Resources tagged with library

Fighting stereotypes of library services #ADA

James Powell, Marketing and Communications Manager and Hannah Foulstone, Marketing Assistant Suffolk Libraries explore ways to diversify their audiences. Part of their joint fellowship at the Audience Diversity Academy.

ASCEL: ImagiNation

Learn how ten library authorities in the East got 11 – 18 year olds reading for pleasure and responding creatively to books.

Developing new audiences for libraries

Transported is a Creative People and Places funded programme that aims to get more people in Boston Borough and South Holland enjoying and participating in arts activities. This project set out to explore libraries as community hubs that offer opportunities beyond ordinary library use.

Engaging library service users in the arts

Transported is a strategic, community-focused programme which aims to get more people in Boston Borough and South Holland enjoying and participating in arts activities. In 2013, as part of its Open Book project working with the Lincolnshire County Council Library Service, Transported commissioned Pestiferous to create a site specific piece of theatre that would tour … Read more

Bookstart Corner: developing young children's love of reading

This report evaluates the impact of Bookstart Corner a project funded by the Booktrust. This programme was targeted at socially and economically disadvantaged families with children aged 12-30 months. Located in Children’s Centres, Bookstart Corner offered intensive support for parents and carers to encourage reading for pleasure with their children to help develop a love … Read more

Bookbuzz: developing young people's love of reading

This report evaluates the impact of Bookbuzz a project funded by the Booktrust. Launched in 2012, this programme provides a book for Year 7 students soon after their transition from primary to secondary school at a crucial time when formative attitudes towards reading develop.

Engaging children with disabilities in libraries

This article by The Reading Agency describes how the Chatterbooks programme uses multi-sensory stories to engage with children with disabilities. Libraries involved in this programme have developed valuable links with local special educational needs schools whilst enabling disabled children and young people to have greater access to services and activities in their local and wider community.

Libraries engaging with young people through the Reading Activists programme

The Reading Agency’s innovative Reading Activist programme is funded by Big Lottery in 18 authorities across 4 regions. This article describes the success of Gateshead Central Library’s Reading Activists – a group of 12 young people aged 13-19 who meet regularly to plan and organise events at the Library for young people. This has enabled … Read more

Engaging with disadvantaged young people through the Reading Activists programme

The Reading Agency’s innovative Reading Activist programme is funded by Big Lottery in 18 authorities across 4 regions. This case study describes how the St Helen’s Reading Activists programme has helped to engage with disadvantaged young people from deprived areas of the town with positive outcomes for the young people involved.