Resources tagged with integrated

Raising awareness of a participatory cultural project

This case study explores an integrated publicity campaign to promote The Cultural Spring, a three-year project to increase arts participation and engagement in Sunderland and South Tyneside. It covers the process and outcomes of creating a publicity campaign which engaged both the media and potential participants in the project.

The library that borrowed from the public

This Marketing Society Scotland (2013) paper outlines an award winning campaign from the National library of Scotland (NLS) and Frame.  NLS is the world’s leading centre for the study of Scotland and the Scots. In the summer of 2012, a campaign that explored the story of cinema-going in Scotland over the past 120 years attracted … Read more

Changing arts audiences in the 21st century

Morris Hargreaves McIntyre detail seven pillars for arts organisations to potentially transform their audience development focus: vision-led, brand-driven, outcome-orientated, inter-disciplinary, insight-guided, interactively-engaged, and personalised.

Building a holistic digital marketing campaign

Provides a detailed look at the current trends in digital and social media available in 2010, with an overview of how the different elements can be used within a marketing campaign or communications strategy. This is followed by a case study which will give you an insight into their different uses within a mixed media … Read more