Resources tagged with IAD2019

Reflections on Inclusivity and Audiences Day #ADA

Aimee Wood, Arts Communications Officer at Leeds Town Hall and Florence Fawcett, Programmer at Leeds International Concert season reflect on Inclusivity and Audiences Day as part of their joint fellowship at the Audience Diversity Academy.

Inclusivity and Audiences Day 2019: A Note from our Programmer

For Inclusivity and Audiences Day 2019 and its associated events, we are putting a stake in the ground and recording what inclusivity and audiences means to our sector; the arts, heritage and cultural sector.  There is no key to unlocking this information.  This Culturehive resource about Inclusivity and Audiences is definitely for you and your teams.  The intention is to organically grow this resource; it is not … Read more

Inclusivity and Audiences Day 2019: Speaker Highlights

This multi-speaker day event at Birmingham Hippodrome combines talks, workshops and discussion to reframe your knowledge and offers tools to change how you and your organisation work in addressing challenges around inclusivity. As part of Culturehive’s spotlight on the forthcoming AMA Inclusivity and Audiences event, we want to highlight the work of some of the speakers you … Read more