Resources tagged with frequency

Audience frequency and loyalty

Is customer retention the same as loyalty? What are the positive factors that affect loyalty? Heather Maitland finds out what the research says about audience frequency and loyalty.

Test drive the arts: an introduction

The ‘Test Drive the Arts’ concept is about utilising spare capacity in arts venues (which generate nil income) to give potential attenders a ‘taste’ of the product in order to stimulate repeat attendance (and thus generating income in venues where a charge is levied). This groundbreaking study evaluates performance against objectives including: targeting 25,000 new … Read more

Audience profiles for contemporary dance

This research snapshot report provides a brief profile of audiences for contemporary dance. It draws on Audiences London and Dance Touring Partnership’s analysis of audience data in 2006 and 2007. The key summarised findings conclude that audiences for dance are not as frequent attenders of the artform as we’d like to think, and that the … Read more

Factors that drive arts attendance: overview of major studies

This presentation looked at a range of primary and secondary research such as the DCMS Taking Part Survey and CASE reviews of research in sports and arts. It posed the question ‘What drives arts attendance? It looks at the impact of distance from venues and concludes that proximity is significant in predicting attendance, along with … Read more

Test drive the arts in Northern Ireland

The Test Drive the Arts project online encouraged nearly 5,000 people to attend the arts for the first time in Northern Ireland. was the largest collaborative audience development project ever undertaken in Northern Ireland and a great success.

Customer profiling and segmentation tools

Do you want your marketing budget to stretch further? Do you want to improve the effectiveness of your marketing campaign? Do you want to get audiences to visit more frequently? If you answered yes to any of those then this guide will help make your marketing budget stretch further with more effective campaigns that increase frequency of … Read more

Barbican CRM strategy

The Barbican Centre enters its 25th anniversary year with some encouraging news about the loyalty of its audiences and results to its marketing and CRM (customer relationship management) strategy.

Revolving doors

Report from an away day focusing on increasing audience retention.