Resources tagged with focus groups

Understanding Audiences with Focus Groups

The Crescent  – an arts centre and cultural hub in central Belfast – approached thrive to run focus groups as part of a re-brand and the design of a new website. This resource takes us through the process of designing and running focus groups.

When Should I Use Focus Groups?

Lisa Baxter from The Experience Business explains when it’s best to use focus groups as a method for collecting audience research.

Not just focus groups

Heather Maitland takes a look at the history of qualitative research and finds out that it is a lot more complicated than ‘just focus groups’.

A guide to online focus groups and interviews

This is a short guide to online qualitative research.  It offers a list of the pros and cons of online focus groups and interviews.  This toolkit is the fourth in a series of seven toolkits designed to provide an introduction to market research – whilst acting as a handy refresher for experienced marketers.

A practical guide to qualitative market research

This is a short guide to focus groups and in-depth interviews, the role of the researcher in moderating a discussion or interview and some considerations for qualitative research analysis. This toolkit is the final in a series of seven toolkits designed to provide an introduction to market research – whilst acting as a handy refresher … Read more

Pricing strategies to encourage increased audiences at WNO

Case studies and research undertaken since the 1980s have shown that price is not the most significant barrier to arts attendance and suggests that there is scope for price increases. This article on Welsh National Opera’s experience found that for current opera-goers, a decrease in price could encourage more attendances and actually increase revenue.