Resources tagged with Experiments

What’s the story? #ADA

Tamsin Flower finds new ways of telling people’s stories by the beat of a drum as part of her work with the renowned percussionist Evelyn Glennie. Part of her Fellowship at the Audience Diversity Academy.

Experiments never quite go to plan… #ADA

Ros Croker talks through the experiments she developed for her colleagues at Endeavour Galleries, National Maritime Museum, London, to explore language and identity. Part of her Fellowship at the Audience Diversity Academy (ADA).

Podcast: Ron Evans – the pandemic as a catalyst for creativity

Hannah Mason, Head of Social Entrepreneur Support, Creative United talks to Strategic Advisor Ron Evans about using the pandemic as a catalyst for creativity. One of a series of AMAculturehive podcasts commissioned for The Learning Lounge, AMA Arts Marketing Festival 2020.

Learning to be responsive #DigitalLab

Katy Vanden, Producer, Cap-a-Pie says it’s OK to change focus, start small and remain agile as new opportunities arise. Part of her Fellowship at Digital Lab.

From ideas to experiments #DigitalLab

Heather Kipling, Content Manager, Manchester International Festival explores the story arc model to focus her experiments during her Fellowship at the Digital Lab.

Analyse and Improve your Email Marketing Strategy

Freya Ruane, Marketing Coordinator at HdK Associates shares some suggestions and tips on how you can assess and improve your current email marketing campaigns. In the mass of marketing emails people receive on a daily basis, it’s important to ensure that your emails are the ones that reach out and engage audiences.

Webinar: How Museums can experiment with social media during Coronavirus

One of a series of webinars by Cuseum in response to the changing landscape caused by the Coronavirus pandemic. As the coronavirus continues to prevent museums and cultural organisations from welcoming audiences to their physical spaces, the importance of digital engagement has increased exponentially. In the face of this all, many organisations are embracing the opportunity to … Read more