Resources tagged with experience

Audience engagement: A blinding flash of the obvious

What are audiences buying into with their time, money and attention when they engage with your organisation? Lisa Baxter, Founder of The Experience Business asks us how far down the line we are in becoming an audience-centred, experientially focussed organisation?

Deciding when to work with a digital strategist

1. What it means to be a digital expert A digital strategist is an expert individual or team that understands all the points of contact between your audience and your organisation where digital plays a part. In this resource, we explain how you can use your expertise, and when you might want to use a … Read more

Composers, Performers and their Audiences

How do audiences experience engagement activities, and how do they impact on experiences in concert – particularly with new work? Guildhall School of Music and Drama ran a joint research project with Britten Sinfonia to investigate. This presentation explores the research and reveals some of the findings. If you would like more information on this … Read more

Young people explore the arts

‘Arts Explorers: it’s a stage they’re going to’ is an Edinburgh-based project that aims to address the perception among socially excluded young people that the arts are not for them. This report summarises the project and gives recommendations for others. It concludes that young people are ready to engage in the arts provided four elements … Read more

Moving on from branding

The future doesn’t look bright for brands. This seminar paper blows a number of myths out of the water to persuade us that branding is not enough any more to attract and retain customers. The arts needs to be less ‘corporate’ and instead rethink how they want to deliver highly attractive products (beautiful spaces, fantastic … Read more

CRM strategy – why is a seamless customer journey so important?

Across the cultural sector, organisations are thinking about customer journeys. From the first piece of communication to their experiences of a venue, everything you do contributes to whether or not a good relationship can be created. In this article, Sarah Chambers considers customer relationship management (CRM) and what it should look like for arts and … Read more

Using Google+ to run a bold experiment in digital theatre

The Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC) and Google Creative Lab considered the question: “what would a play look like on the internet?” The outcome was an ambitious idea to stage A Midsummer Night’s Dream in real-time over the course of three days in June 2013.  Characters in Midsummer Night’s Dreaming (#dream40) also shared snippets – photos, text updates … Read more