Resources tagged with Equality

Developing a strategy for inclusion, diversity and equality

Historic England believes that the historic environment in England should be accessible and relevant to everyone who lives and visits there, whatever their socio-economic background, race, religion, sexuality, gender, disability, or health.  A useful guide on how to develop a strategy for inclusion, diversity and equality.

Toolkit: Dismantling structural inequality in your cinema

This toolkit developed by Sadia Pineda Hameed for Inclusive Cinema Wales is a practical guide for improving the experiences of people of colour (POC) audiences, staff and filmmakers – and other intersections including gender, sexuality, disability, income and class.

Missing Out: understanding the female leadership gap in fundraising

Change Collective research commissioned by the IoF and carried out by Dr. Beth Breeze, Director of the Centre for Philanthropy at the University of Kent, and Dr.Elizabeth J. Dale, Assistant Professor in Nonprofit Leadership at Seattle University, USA, explores the experiences and challenges women face in achieving equal representation at senior levels in fundraising.