Resources tagged with email

7 must-know email marketing strategies for successful event promotion

Over 75% of event organizers say email marketing is their most effective strategy, with 45% of event tickets sold through email. Raj Marwal, Inbound Marketing Specialist at Branticles discusses the seven most effective email marketing strategies that will help you create a buzz for your event and get the word out effectively.

Build a high performing email marketing funnel in 6 steps

Email marketing is a reliable lead generation and conversion tool, according to most successful marketers. However, without a proper strategy and smooth automation, your email marketing can’t produce your desired results. That’s where email marketing funnels come into play. Raj Marwal an Inbound Marketing Specialist at Branticles explains what they are and why we need to … Read more

Building blocks for reopening

This comprehensive guide by Spektrix helps lay the foundations for a successful reopening whether you use their CRM system or something else.

Analyse and Improve your Email Marketing Strategy

Freya Ruane, Marketing Coordinator at HdK Associates shares some suggestions and tips on how you can assess and improve your current email marketing campaigns. In the mass of marketing emails people receive on a daily basis, it’s important to ensure that your emails are the ones that reach out and engage audiences.