Resources tagged with EDI

Beyond Marketing: improving diversity among your audiences

A recording of Elma Glasgow‘s powerful session at the Arts Marketing Association Conference, Birmingham 2022.  The session explored how to develop inclusive, anti-racist practices into events and related marketing from the start of a project. 

EDI: Acknowledgement Statements

Over the last five years the Arts Marketing Association (AMA) has been working on the development of an Acknowledgment Statement to recognise the UK’s colonial past.  This initiative ties in with a focus on several pillars of EDI (Equity, Diversity, Inclusion) that are aligned with AMA’s values: to be always learning, to be inclusive, to … Read more

Inclusivity & Audiences Day 2024 Playback Pack

Inclusivity & Audiences Day champions equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) work from across our sector. Here’s a collection of resources and insights brought together for and from the day to support your journey as an agent of change.

In conversation: Bea Udeh and Lynette Lucas

Bea Udeh, the Arts Marketing Association’s Head of Diversity in conversation with Lynette Lucas, Inclusion and Belonging lead at NCVO before her session on inclusive language at Inclusivity and Audiences Day 2024.

Guidance: Trans-inclusive culture

This vital guidance sets out an ethical framework to support museums, galleries, archives and heritage organisations to realise their potential to create trans-inclusive spaces that foster dignity, equity and belonging. Developed by the University of Leicester’s Research Centre for Museums and Galleries (RCMG).