Resources tagged with donors

Now, New and Next for Cultural Fundraisers. Fundraising at Times of Crisis.

The fifth edition of Now, New and Next from Arts Fundraising & Philanthropy focuses on supporting arts, culture and heritage organisations to consider their responses to fundraising at a time of global crisis. It thinks through the next decade of impact, as well as how to effectively communicate with donors. It also suggests ideas as to how organisations might build crisis campaigns and to consider … Read more

Webinar: The Fundraising Report 2019 – Key Takeaways

Recording of the May 30th, 2019 webinar on the key findings from SMU DataArts’ Fundraising Report, providing you with the data needed to make informed decisions about fundraising expectations, followed by a Q&A with the author, Dr. Zannie Voss.

The Fundraising Report 2019 (USA)

The SMU DataArts’ Fundraising Report, examines the fundraising efforts of over 2,421 organizations across 11 different arts and cultural sectors throughout the USA. You’ll also see trends for a subset of over 1,888 organisations over the four-year period from 2014 to 2017.

What donors really want from charities

Morris Hargreaves McIntyre challenge the sliding scale of reward in this quick read article that looks at what donors really want from charities – do people who give more to a cause expect greater rewards from the charities they support?