Resources tagged with digital content

From stage to screen: using digital to redefine storytelling

How do you make centuries-old performances resonate in today’s digital world? To find out, Jocelyn Kotvis, Content Marketer at CultureSuite caught up with Henny van Haelen, Senior Online Marketer at The Hague’s leading performing arts centre, Amare.

Digitising museum collections

This is a ‘how to recruit, manage and support volunteers’ guide produced as part of the Digital Skills for Heritage’s Digital Volunteering programme. 1. Project background Boasting over 600 works of art, works include Pre-Raphaelite paintings and drawings by Holman Hunt and Burne-Jones, fine English glass, pewter and silver collections from the 18th Century. Being … Read more

TikTok: Six evergreen post ideas for your organisation

Six classic ideas for TikTok content from top digital agency HDK. Whether you’re looking for something tried and tested or a little bit of inspiration you’ll find something here. HdK is a Support Sponsor of Audiences at the Heart, AMA Conference 2023, Leeds.

National Museums Scotland: how we tell stories online

With hundreds of people and literally millions of objects, grappling with all the potential stories National Museums Scotland has to explore is no small task. How do they harness the raging content river’s power instead of being at its mercy? And how do they produce content that matters? Russell Dornan tells us how.

Using digital assets to develop new revenue streams

1. Introduction Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, many museums, galleries, cultural venues and sites had to explore ways of maintaining audience engagement online whilst physically closed to visitors. While this may have created a richness of visual media, generating income through means other than site visits, ticket sales and shop revenue can still prove difficult. The … Read more

Changing how you connect: how digital can transform what your organisation offers

1. Introduction The development of digital technologies has benefited the presentation of different aspects of our cultural heritage for many years. Computer-aided design (CAD), geographic information systems (GIS), digital photography, digitisation and 3D scanning, multimedia, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (MR) applications have all enabled heritage organisations to understand, preserve and present … Read more