Resources tagged with database

Working with specialist conservation records on a custom database

This is a ‘how to recruit, manage and support volunteers’ guide produced as part of the Digital Skills for Heritage’s Digital Volunteering programme. 1. Project background Garden plants have been a significant part of our heritage since people began to grow them.  They are intertwined with our cultural heritage, sense of place, medicine, cuisine, and … Read more

Using segmentation tools to inform strategy

Pru Shackley, Marketing and Audience Development Manager at The Lightbox Gallery and Museum, Woking describes how Culture Segments TagTool insights are being used to fuel strategy across her organisation.

Cart before the horse for CRM?

When thinking and talking about a CRM strategy don’t just focus on the IT implementation that is the customer database technology. A clear understanding of customer journeys and how a customer interacts with your organisation will help you align your internal business processes and CRM strategy with these interactions.

Top tips to keep on top of your CRM

This guide provides seven top tips for looking after your CRM to ensure it effectively delivers the benefits, relationships and data your can utilise.

Foolproof tips for a successful software implementation

Implementing a brand new, mission-critical piece of software is no easy feat. This guide by Helen Gage at Spektrix suggests four things you should focus your attention on (and four things you should avoid) for a stress-free software implementation.

An inside view on data and fundraising

This guide is based on an interview with Ben Park of Minor Tickets on how arts and cultural organisations should be using data effectively within fundraising. It considers database management and the benefit of linking data; CRM and software options; skills and experience needed to develop use of data; how data can inform planning and donor insights; and … Read more

Do I need a CRM or a donor database?

In this article, Mags Rivett from Purple Vision discusses in detail the difference between a CRM and a donor database and considers why that difference matters.

Tips to help you with your CRM implementation

This is useful guide by Mags Rivett from Purple Vision compares the process of implementing a new CRM to a bike ride journey. It provides five top tips that will help you successfully implement your new CRM – from planning and integration through to project management, User Acceptance Testing and staying on top of potential … Read more

Five key points to consider when selecting a database or CRM

This useful resource by Mags Rivett from Purple Vision provides a guide on selecting a CRM or database for small, non-profit, charitable organisations. It provides a five-point approach to help you find what’s right for your organisation including: strategy, integration, ease of use, expert support and budget.

Niche marketing: focusing on the few

A short study into the value of niche marketing using the example of the successful Opus One subscription series for the Hallé in Manchester. This article analyses why and how this form of marketing can work and why it might not be suitable for all organisations.