Resources tagged with cost of living crisis

Poverty proofing for families in the North East

Sallyanne Flemons, North East Family Arts Network Ambassador, shares learnings and insights from the three-year Family Arts Campaign Ambassador programme and its impact on both regional organisations and the families they support.

Supporting families during the cost of living crisis

Kids in Museums outline how you can create a generous and welcoming offer for all families, children and young people in the face of the rising cost of living. Aimed at those working in the museum sector but lots of advice that applies to many venues.

Weathering the cost-of-living storm across the UK

Research rings warning bells about the potential effects of the cost-of-living  crisis on already hard-pressed cultural organisation across the UK. Anne Torreggiani, CEO, The Audience Agency gives suggestions for how we can both brace for its impact and support our communities.

Impact of the cost-of-living crisis

Findings from The Audience Agency‘s Cultural Participation Monitor paint a predictably concerning picture of how people expect the cost-of-living crisis to affect their in-person cultural attendance.