Resources tagged with content strategy

Digital content: Less like marketing, more like journalism

Digital content in most arts organisations is primarily used as marketing. Its seen as a way to support transactional relationships – to ‘convert’ audiences in some way (usually to sell tickets or get people through doors). Zosia Poulter, Content Strategist at Substrakt tells us its time for a new approach.

10 things about PDF content and why you should avoid it

PDF content is inaccessible, creates a poor user experience, and yet somehow, it persists. Whether you’re trying to understand if PDFs are really that bad, or you’re trying to make the case for getting rid of them in your organisation, content strategist Lauren Pope, Founder and Director at La Pope, tells you what you need … Read more

TikTok: Six evergreen post ideas for your organisation

Six classic ideas for TikTok content from top digital agency HDK. Whether you’re looking for something tried and tested or a little bit of inspiration you’ll find something here. HdK is a Support Sponsor of Audiences at the Heart, AMA Conference 2023, Leeds.

The future of social in 2023 looks like…

Steven Franklin, Social Media Manager, National Archives talks us through his predictions for social media content form and platforms for 2023. First published on the Cultural Content newsletter of digital specialists One Further

National Museums Scotland: how we tell stories online

With hundreds of people and literally millions of objects, grappling with all the potential stories National Museums Scotland has to explore is no small task. How do they harness the raging content river’s power instead of being at its mercy? And how do they produce content that matters? Russell Dornan tells us how.