Resources tagged with competition

Why voting competitions are a nightmare

We may not all be in a position to offer a £10,000 prize as in the case of the example in this article from outside the arts, but this is worth a read if you are considering a voting competition.  Do you have a clear set of terms and conditions?  With the ease that social … Read more

Case study of a failing orchestra

This in-depth case study report focuses on the San Jose Symphony Orchestra which closed in 2002 and is a cautionary tale for other cities, other symphony orchestras, for those in the entertainment industry, and for anyone connected with a nonprofit organisation. It looks at the history of classical music organisations, its market, the avoidance of the concert hall, competition, consumer preference, … Read more

Ahead of the Game

A report on the Arts Marketing Association symposium, 29-30 April 2004.  The symposium aimed to consider who or what the arts are competing for, and, if competition is appropriate, whether the arts are as competitive as they might be.