Resources tagged with community

Heritage 2033

The National Lottery Heritage Fund is the largest funder for the UK’s heritage. It has a vision for heritage to be valued, cared for and sustained for everyone, now and in the future. Their 10-year strategy sets out their ambitions to support projects of all sizes that connect people and communities to the UK’s heritage.

Future Trends: Addressing cultural and other inequalities at scale

Part of the Future Trends series, published as part of the Warwick UK Cities of Culture Project and commissioned by the Arts and Humanities Research Council. This paper looks at  the importance of hyper-local offerings and developing a sense of ownership as ways of engagement.

Supporting families during the cost of living crisis

Kids in Museums outline how you can create a generous and welcoming offer for all families, children and young people in the face of the rising cost of living. Aimed at those working in the museum sector but lots of advice that applies to many venues.

Weathering the cost-of-living storm across the UK

Research rings warning bells about the potential effects of the cost-of-living  crisis on already hard-pressed cultural organisation across the UK. Anne Torreggiani, CEO, The Audience Agency gives suggestions for how we can both brace for its impact and support our communities.

Guide to creating a community of practice

1. What is a ‘community of practice’? A community of practice brings together people with a shared interest in order that they can learn from each other and provide peer-to-peer support. The community of practice creates a ‘safe space’ that enables like-minded people to share ideas, advice, best practice and support. It can either evolve … Read more

Using online resources to improve collaboration and contributions

1. Using online approaches to promote engagement When you are finding participants to contribute to any project, you can use online resources and engagement to make the process easier. This approach can be especially useful when developing an oral history project as you can have direct access to your contributors and participants. You should bear … Read more

Considering co-creation

Discover what co-creation means, how it can help you actively listen to and collaborate with the local community and form new partnerships as well as helpful insight on putting it into practice. Explore the Heart of Glass and Battersea Arts Centre report and three podcasts with artists, producers, and collaborators.