Resources tagged with co-creation

Video: Everyday creativity

Through examining evidence from the latest wave of Cultural Participation Monitor data, this recorded session from The Audience Agency takes a look at the creative activities people do independently, such as playing an instrument, podcasting, flower arranging, drag, creative gaming, graffiti and much more. 

Future Trends: Addressing cultural and other inequalities at scale

Part of the Future Trends series, published as part of the Warwick UK Cities of Culture Project and commissioned by the Arts and Humanities Research Council. This paper looks at  the importance of hyper-local offerings and developing a sense of ownership as ways of engagement.

Future Trends: Reasons to co-create

Part of the Future Trends series, published as part of the Warwick UK Cities of Culture Project and commissioned by the Arts and Humanities Research Council. Co-creating is difficult so why do it. This paper looks at what makes co-creation valuable to those who participate and how to evaluate it.

Considering co-creation

Discover what co-creation means, how it can help you actively listen to and collaborate with the local community and form new partnerships as well as helpful insight on putting it into practice. Explore the Heart of Glass and Battersea Arts Centre report and three podcasts with artists, producers, and collaborators.

Building meaningful participation

Research suggests that organisations are feeling an increased urgency to deepen connections with the communities they serve, but how can they make the most of this momentum? Ashleigh Hibbins, Anne Torreggiani and Carly Henderson from The Audience Agency demonstrate that co-creation is the answer.

How to… co-create an evaluation

Co-creation is a term we may hear a lot, but an evaluation of your project that is genuinely co-created can be really powerful. This guide from Mark Robinson of Thinking Practice will help you think about how every stage of your evaluation process, from planning to action to review, can be something that is developed … Read more