Resources tagged with change management

Podcast: Fail fast, learn fast, succeed fast

In this episode of Ticketsolve‘s Arts and Everything In Between podcast, Lucy Costelloe sits down with Gail Jones, Communications Manager at the Crescent Arts Centre, to explore what it means for arts organisations to adopt a fail-fast mentality.  Gail shares Crescent’s strategies for innovation, community engagement, and how they navigate the complexities of arts management … Read more

Webinar: Measuring Impact

Learn about how best to integrate monitoring and evaluation into your organisation in this webinar from Arts & Culture Finance by nesta.

How to convince trustees of the need to invest in digital skills development

1. The role of trustees In this resource, our expert, Michael Turnpenny, Head of Museums Development Yorkshire, explores the importance of your trustees in any change programme and considers approaches to convince them of the urgency of change. Trustees are important champions for your organisation and represent its mission and values externally, so having trustees … Read more

Persuading your stakeholders of the value of digital change

1. Planning for change When planning to implement any kind of significant change to the way an organisation runs, it is necessary to make sure you have people on board. This can be especially difficult when adopting digital change as it may challenge staff, trustees and volunteers to get behind a way of working which … Read more

Webinar: Change, sustainability & relevance: New business models

‘Pivot’ is one of the most-used words of 2020 – but how much change can cultural organisations realistically make to their business models? This is a recording of a session from our conference Covid-19: Changing Culture? in November 2021. The conference shared emerging findings from our Covid-19 research project and discussed implications with practitioners and … Read more

The impact of changing demographics on the arts

There is substantial evidence that significant demographic changes will have had a demonstrable impact on the arts by 2025. A growing, ageing, and better-educated population, with more non-traditional households and new ideas about community mean the arts will have to adapt to remain relevant. This report provides an overview of some research into this area.

Cultural diversity in a democratic society

This article examines the impact of cultural diversity on national cultural institutions. It considers whether, long used to defending a particular set of cultural values, they can transform themselves into defenders of democratic cultural participation.

19th Century artforms at the dawn of the 21st

Throughout the last century, the pinnacle of the performing arts was generally considered to be the big lyric forms which dominated the 19th: opera, ballet and orchestral music. But is it a given that these will continue to occupy the same position? Many question that premise, concerned that the large, permanent organisations which have been … Read more