Resources tagged with benchmarks

Financial sustainability: setting the right direction

Data insight and strategy agency MyCake assesses the journeys of organisations participating on the Heritage Compass programme. The report uses data to help us reflect upon the financial sustainability of heritage organisations. A useful report to check how your organisation compares against the published benchmarks.

Key Findings: Cause4 Arts and Culture Fundraising Benchmark

Published in Autumn 2022, key findings from Cause4‘s Arts and Culture Fundraising Benchmark (2021 release of 2019 data). The benchmarking data remains a valuable guide to understanding the pre-pandemic norm – a check against where your organisation could, or should, return to. Combined with more recent insights from other published sources, the benchmarks offer a … Read more

The Status of UK Fundraising 2020 Benchmark Report

The Status of UK Fundraising 2020 Benchmark Report was carried out by Blackbaud Europe together with the Institute of Fundraising. The data was collected in May and June 2020 via an online survey of 66 questions. A total of 1,990 respondents, up from 1,012 in 2019, completed the survey from a wide range of charity types and sizes.

Social marketing benchmark criteria

Discover the eight elements that are included in successful social marketing interventions in this toolkit from the National Social Marketing Centre.

Gallery research

Results of a pilot shared survey of galleries in the South East, South West, East, East Midlands, London and Wales. Visitors to galleries were asked questions about their age, locality, frequency of attendance, art specialism and art purchasing.

Interpreting key indicators in the performing arts

Identifying and interpreting realistic key indicators for performing arts audiences through a collaborative audience analysis and intelligence-sharing programme. Working across 36 London venues, audiences were analysed by artform, demographics and market penetration, repeat attendance, ticket spend and booking behaviour, growth patterns, as well as a propensity to move across venues and artforms, creating robust benchmarks.

Benchmarking audiences for London contemporary visual arts

Snapshot London: Visual Arts, is a visual arts benchmarking project. The Audience Agency undertook a scoping exercise to establish the amount and nature of audience data being collected and used by London contemporary visual arts organisations, and investigated the most appropriate and cost effective means of supporting these organisations in their ongoing audience research and development … Read more