Resources tagged with Augmented Reality

Exploring some popular digital applications that can enhance the audience experience

1. Introduction Heritage sites and exhibitions have the potential to capture the public’s imagination and provide valuable connection to who we are and the significance of place. Cultural organisations engage with a diverse range of audiences, publics and stakeholders who will benefit from new ways of engaging with the past. As such, continual technological innovation … Read more

A short introduction to the Metaverse

The concept of the Metaverse has been buzzing around for some time now. With AR and VR technologies quickly developing, what does the Metaverse mean, and how it is evolving today? Two blogs from Danny Skahill and Miles Dorsey from marketing consultancy HdK bring us up-to-speed.  

Cuseum: Results from Augmented Reality Museum Visitor Impact Study

To measure the public’s interest in new ways to access content at museums, Cuseum conducted an on-site survey. The objective of the study was to evaluate the impact that new forms of mobile technology, such as augmented reality, have on the visitor’s experience.

Marketing using visual effects and augmented reality

Discover how a digital agency created a web-based augmented reality app to raise awareness of the film, The Hobbit, and boost ticket sales. Targeting Hobbit franchise fans, Tolkien fans, web and social media users, Play Nicely created an experience which let you become a dwarf from the Hobbit universe, and record and share video with friends.