Resources tagged with audit

Which policy frameworks are most significant to the heritage sector?

1. Introduction In your day-to-day work you will have already come across policies and codes of practice which you are expected to incorporate into how you run your organisation and teams. Many of these policies are now available in digital formats. Accessing these documents online should make it easier for you to comply with them … Read more

Fundraising Audit (training video)

An effective audit can be the starting point of creating a successful fundraising campaign or strategy. In these training videos, Wendy Smithers provides a detailed guide to carrying out a fundraising audit.

The importance of a fundraising audit

This article discusses how a full fundraising audit can help an organisation to align its fundraising activity with its goals and aspirations and put in place the right organisational structure to support fund development, and build a sustainable financial model. The article highlights the key areas for evaluation and issues to be considered when undertaking a … Read more

Subscription scheme benefits

Subscription schemes are used by major American institutions to sell theatre tickets in bulk. These schemes often act as a starting point for increasing customer loyalty – by encouraging customers to attend more frequently, it is hoped that they will eventually become a friend or a donor. Consultant Debbie Richards explains the benefits of this … Read more

Pricing case study: Pitlochry Festival Theatre

An article addressing how to harmonise price and demand at Pitlochry Festival Theatre. By increasing the prices for a consistently sold out, fast selling section of the auditorium for its first time musical, the organisation was able to take advantage of the stronger demand for certain nights and certain seats to maximise their revenue and still offer … Read more

Pricing strategies to encourage increased audiences at WNO

Case studies and research undertaken since the 1980s have shown that price is not the most significant barrier to arts attendance and suggests that there is scope for price increases. This article on Welsh National Opera’s experience found that for current opera-goers, a decrease in price could encourage more attendances and actually increase revenue.

How to conduct a digital marketing audit

Useful for anyone creating a marketing or audience development strategy, this one-page guide visually outlines the steps to take during a digital marketing audit.

How marketers can exploit current and emerging trends in a changing society

Marketers need to understand the current economic, political, technological and social environment that affects their audiences’ behaviour and consumption. This article describes the impact that polarization is having on audiences, how it is affecting organisations and what marketers can do to exploit current trends. The author argues that organisations need to tailor their marketing mix … Read more