Resources tagged with audience development

Local to Global: Audience Development & Mapping Toolkit

An audience development and mapping toolkit primarily aimed at those who work at UNESCO designated sites in the UK. Includes a range of practical approaches and examples and useful to any UK or international organisation and other initiatives looking at partnerships and place-based approaches to audience development.

Creative regeneration case study: Creative Mile, Brentford Art Trail

Creative Mile is an annual open studios event in Brentford (2021-2022), initiated and managed by local artists, with support from Hounslow’s Creative Enterprise Zone and Creative People and Places Hounslow. This detailed case study captures the growth of this event and outlines the major opportunities and challenges it faces moving forward.  

Podcast: Young people leading the way in museums

At 22 years old Anna Petrova is making a name for herself as the head of excursions at Odesa Fine Arts Museum, Ukraine. Anna shares her experiences working in ‘the pearl of the pearl’ of Ukraine and her hopes for the future.

Podcast: Building a weird and wonderful career in museums

Sarah Creed, Senior Exhibitions Project Manager at the Design Museum in London talks about her work with diverse audiences across different institutions. She also digs into some of the weird and wonderful things museum people do. One of a series of podcasts with museum people by For Arts Sake.

Using segmentation methods to understand your audience

1. Introduction It is important for any organisation to reflect and respond to the needs of its audiences. A common pitfall for many arts and heritage organisations is the assumption that just because we value what we do, then others will too. This is especially the case when thinking about finding new, perhaps younger, audiences … Read more