Resources tagged with ambassadors

Ambassador programmes and increasing engagement with disadvantaged families

In 2019, the Family Arts Campaign began a three-year Local Family Arts Network Ambassador programme with the aim of supporting Network capacity and collaboration towards increasing engagement with diverse families. Three case studies examine how three of these Ambassador-led Networks explored ways of reaching families in need during the Covid-19 pandemic by creating physical arts … Read more

Inspiring the Future of Theatre

UK Theatre and Society of London Theatre (SOLT) have embarked on a wide-reaching new industry initiative in partnership with Inspiring the Future, part of the charity Education and Employers.

Arts Ambassadors (training video)

People try a new arts activity when trusted people recommend it. And that’s where ambassadors can help you. This training video will talk you through three inspiring case studies of successful ambassador schemes to explain how they can help you promote your offer, develop your audiences and produce cultural events.

The role of an arts ambassador

Arts Ambassadors have been used for many years for a range of promotional and marketing activities. This short guide looks at how they can be used, gives examples of how and why organisations have used them and the pros and cons involved. It also discusses two approaches: the promotion-focused approach and the audience development approach … Read more

Harnessing the power of ambassadors

Katie Booth, Events and Tourism Marketing Manager at Tate and Mark Miller, Convenor of Young People’s Programmes, Tate talked to AMA conference 2013 delegates about ambassadors and about the work that they do with the Tate Collective and about the successful Hyperlink festival.

A cultural ambassadors scheme: does it work?

The CBSO launched a Cultural Ambassadors scheme to persuade committed audience members to attract new audience members by using pyramid selling, personal contacts and peer-to-peer selling. This report details the objectives, the planning and running of the scheme and the results and lessons learnt.

Encouraging older people to engage with culture

This report details the results from a project to increase engagement with the arts and culture among older people in Manchester. The scheme targeted ‘gatekeepers’ and turned them into ambassadors for culture at 15 venues around the city, including arts centres, theatres, museums and galleries. The resource introduces the Valuing Older People: Culture Champions scheme, and … Read more

Developing a digital theatre

This document looks at how National Theatre Wales was founded in 2008 to create a theatre which is exciting and relevant to people throughout Wales and to be a theatre without walls. It provides an insight into the key considerations behind this development, including the fact that there are few national theatre institutions known for … Read more

How to work with arts ambassadors

What makes a good arts ambassador?  How useful can they be as a marketing tool for your organisation? How do you get started on recruiting ambassadors that will bring real benefits?  With top tips and words of caution, this step by step approach to promotion and development through ambassadors will offer the tools you need … Read more