Recommended ways to work with Diaspora communities
Recommended ways to work with Diaspora communities
Culture North West
In the cultural sector, working with international artists and culturally diverse communities has become second nature. This article outlines the value and contribution of Diaspora communities, obstacles for engagement - including stereotypes across all sectors, and how we can better understand these communities. You'll find a series of recommendations including implementing two-way communication, creating a balance between the contemporary and traditional, and revising perceptions.
A lack of understanding is one of the main barriers to working effectively with artists and groups from Diaspora communities – and funders can be criticised for their sometimes scant knowledge in this area, but what does this lack of understanding actually translate into?
Do we need to re-think, too, how we view not only the needs of the Diaspora communities, but audience development itself? Successful audience development frees itself from assumption, and works across communities. There is, for example, a case that one of the audience segments in most need of engagement is White British (particularly economically deprived groups).
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