Who isn’t in the room: equality, diversity and inclusion in fundraising
Who isn’t in the room: equality, diversity and inclusion in fundraising
Change Collective
Research by Change Collective commissioned by IoF based on a survey of over 400 fundraising charities of different sizes, explores the make-up of fundraising teams, and the organisational practices that might be holding us back or succeeding in reducing the barriers for fundraisers.
As one of the early commitments in IoF's Manifesto for Change, this research underpins their long-term EDI strategy by helping them track progress, better understand the barriers that exist in the fundraising profession, and work out what IoF, and their members, can do to work towards a more inclusive and diverse fundraising community.
“To have in one place equality, diversity and inclusion data on 6,912 fundraisers from across the UK is an incredible achievement. It gives us much needed clarity on the make-up of the fundraising profession, which will help us better target the work of the Change Collective – our movement to ensure the fundraising profession is more equal, diverse and inclusive and a profession where everyone is the right fit.”
Sufi Ahmad, Chair of IoF's expert advisory panel on equality, diversity and inclusion