What makes a good conference? Nalgao share the evaluation of their 2008 conference
What makes a good conference? Nalgao share the evaluation of their 2008 conference
The results of nalgao’s exit survey following their 2008 national conference could be useful to other arts marketers, PR and events planners in the arts, who are organising similarly large-scale events. It gives pointers to what delegates feel works in a conference setting.
There was good level of satisfaction with both the suitability, calibre and duration of the sessions, with the only adverse comments coming from sessions that overran, showing that timekeeping could be improved.
· That the breakout leaders be given a guidance note on the development of presentations to avoid wordy PowerPoint presentations.
· That breakouts be monitored and extended for an additional 15 minutes to allow for more facilitated discussion.
· That there is a good balance of breakout sessions to provide for those people who wish to be talked at and those who wish to engage in lively debate.
Resource type: Research | Published: 2013