Webinar: Thinking outside the box to reach audiences inside their homes
Webinar: Thinking outside the box to reach audiences inside their homes
One of a series of webinars by Cuseum in response to the changing landscape caused by the Coronavirus pandemic. As museums and cultural organisations continue to adapt to the challenges brought on by the Coronavirus, many have revamped and expanded their digital presence and offerings. In the process, many have realised that traditional strategies, messaging, and social media channels aren’t enough, and have started to get more creative with how they reach audiences in their homes.
Join Brendan Ciecko (CEO & Founder @ Cuseum), Sloan MacRae (Marketing Director @ Carnegie Museum of Natural History), & Caitlin Kearney (Digital Content & Engagement Manager @ The Field Museum) as they discuss what sorts of digital strategies, workflows, and channels are allowing them to effectively target and attract audiences beyond the walls of their museums.
(requires email entry)
Resource type: Articles | Published: 2020