Webinar: Speaking Green – how to share your environmental story
Webinar: Speaking Green – how to share your environmental story
Julie’s Bicycle
This webinar is for people working on marketing and communications, green team leads, and anyone interested in an introduction to this topic. Julie's Bicycle 's Project Manager, Chiara Badiali, is joined by Matthew Otty, Marketing Assistant at the Royal Albert Hall who shared their learning with participants on successfully engaging team members in a large arts organisation.
You’re working on some great environmental projects that your green team is proud of. But how do you talk about them? How can you turn facts and data into engaging stories?
In this webinar, we’ll look at different ways of communicating your environmental projects and initiatives: from explaining why you’re ‘going green’ to the rest of your team and your audiences - and how they can play a part - to transparently and creatively speaking about your environmental impacts and celebrating your achievements.
We provide you with a communications guide and feature a range of approaches, top tips, and stories from other arts and creative organisations.
Please skip to 05:50 to start the full recording.
Resource type: Guide/tools | Published: 2019