Visual Arts and Climate Change Adaptations in Scotland
Visual Arts and Climate Change Adaptations in Scotland
Creative Carbon Scotland
Climate change is already having a physical impact on Scotland – from increased rainfall and flooding, to unexpected heatwaves and more intense extreme weather. It is imperative that we respond to this climate crisis, and recognise and avert the impacts it will have on our culture. Creative Carbon Scotland commissioned research into the specific impacts for visual arts organisations, and undertook analysis and interviews of organisations and partners – across exhibition, education, outreach and support – to understand the impact on business models, operational capacity and even health and safety.
This report by Creative Carbon Scotland explores the attitudes of organisations in the visual arts in Scotland towards climate change and adaptation.
Given the unique nature of many arts organisations it also aims to identify impacts and capabilities of the sector to adapt.
The main body of the report is divided into three sections. The methodology outlines the approach and process of gathering information. The discussion section is the result of interviews carried out with stakeholders in the sector as part of the project.
The recommendations section aims to develop on insights gained in those interviews to explain the impacts on Visual Arts Organisations as well as make commendations on how they can become more resilient.
This research was undertaken by Justyna Ladosz, of Creative Carbon Scotland, as part of a paid research internship co-funded by Festivals Edinburgh, and match-funded through the University of Glasgow Santander SME Internship Scheme.