Village and community reps: social media – but in the real world
Village and community reps: social media – but in the real world
Lincoln Drill Hall
Lincoln Drill Hall is a thriving arts centre based in the heart of Lincoln servicing the city, county and beyond. In this case study, Gavin Street, Drill Hall's Marketing Manager, desribes how the venue has recruited a team of volunteer village and community reps to help spread the word about Drill Hall in their village or community. The volunteers meet at Drill Hall every six to eight weeks to discuss forthcoming events and issues; and bring comments and ideas back from their communities. The volunteers are Drill Hall's real-life version of social media.
How it works
Reps can commit as much or as little time as they like. They do what they can, publicity-wise. All of them have located sites for our monthly highlights posters where lots of people will see them. We give them laminated posters for outdoor sites. One couple keeps all the City’s hotels stocked with leaflets and others put them in focal points for their communities like doctors’ waiting rooms. They are all well-networked and, if they are members of other groups have a regular “Drill Hall News” item on meeting agendas.
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Audience development Community Community engagement Engagement Public engagement Rural Social media Resource type: Case studies | Published: 2014