Using social media to develop a broad range of audiences
Using social media to develop a broad range of audiences
Danny Scott
This case study from Scottish Book Trust describes how they used social media to develop a broad range of audiences for Scotland’s first week-long national celebration of books and reading. Working with a range of online and offline partners, Scottish Book Trust developed a Book Week Scotland brand voice for social media activity (Facebook saw a spike of activity as high as 10 times the normal activity). Read on to find out more about the approach, the activity and the key lessons learnt.
Our objectives were to:
- Design and create social media platforms with a different look, approach and voice to Scottish Book Trust’s but recognisable as Scottish Book Trust vehicles.
- Employ those social media channels to amplify the noise made by our mass participation events across Scotland.
- Develop relationships with a network of key partners in the public and arts sectors offline to help us reach different networks and audiences across Scotland online.
- Adapt Book Week Scotland campaigns for digital to drive traffic towards our new website.
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Audiences Campaign Facebook Online Partnership Social media Social media strategy Twitter Resource type: Case studies | Published: 2013