Using a leisure pass system to break down barriers to audience attendance
Using a leisure pass system to break down barriers to audience attendance
Peter Bary
Peter Bary from the Brussels based cultural marketing organisation Cultuurnet Vlaanderen outlines their recent success with ‘Uitpas’ a leisure pass system that aims to break down barriers for infrequent cultural audiences. The user friendly leisure pass works on a credit saving system and offers cultural ‘trials’ and discounts for less advantaged audiences. The project was launched after in-depth research and data analysis was carried out over several years and this case study provides an overview behind some of the science behind the thinking and recent results.
This interested but absent audience falls, broadly speaking, into two main groups. The first is an unserved group for whom the participation barriers, generally financial in nature, are too high. For the other, much larger, group, the threshold is not a financial one; they form an absent audience who may respond to incentives to find their way into culture and leisure.
The leisure pass aims to make a crucial difference for both these groups.
Resource type: Case studies | Published: 2014