Understanding the drivers, impact and value of engagement in culture and sport
Understanding the drivers, impact and value of engagement in culture and sport
Report which explores new methods for determining the value of engagement in culture and sport, provides evidence on what works and develops a theory and working model of engagement to inform policy decisions.
CASE is aimed squarely at developing evidence and analytic tools and methods for addressing fundamental policy questions in the domain of engagement in culture and sport. This report is focused on making the best use of the available evidence to draw together our understanding of what drives people to engage, what the impacts of that engagement might be, and how we might value that engagement for economic appraisal. It is not exhaustive – there are some clear boundaries around this project: We focused on a definition of engagement in culture and sport that is delimited by the activity questions in Taking Part; the analysis of value and impacts is only partial: there are other impacts to be considered, and therefore different values to generate. Finally, we present work based on what evidence and data is currently available. Like the best in innovation, CASE builds on solid, tried and tested methods, but also explores new ground. There are many issues in culture and sport policy research which CASE could have addressed.