Transported Live: Assault Events at Elsoms
Transported Live: Assault Events at Elsoms
Transported is a strategic, community-focused programme that aims to get more people in Boston Borough and South Holland enjoying and participating in arts activities. The programme has eleven different strands of arts activity, one of which is Transported Live: taking projects to the workplace and to those who wouldn’t normally engage with the arts. This case study describes how Assault Events were given the opportunity to work within the factory environment of Elsoms, a leading UK independent plant breeding (seeds) business.
Assault Events spent an initial six weeks with Elsoms to gather information about and research into the colleagues, the daily activities at the factory and the history of Elsoms Seeds itself. A further two weeks were then spent developing music and rehearsing the performance leading up to the final event.
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Community Community engagement Creative People and Places Partnership Public engagement Rural Resource type: Case studies | Published: 2015