Tools for fundraising for long-term sustainability
Tools for fundraising for long-term sustainability
Developed by the NCVO as part of its Sustainable Funding Project, this resource provides five tools each designed to achieve a specific aim and set of objectives. The five tools are: deciding who should fundraise; applying to grant-making trusts and foundations; raffles and lotteries; running charitable events and hiring a fundraising consultant. It also includes a directory of useful fundraising tools. It has been designed to provide practical checklists, templates and exercises to help voluntary and community organisations improve their funding and finance for long-term sustainability.
Fundraising should complement a VCO’s primary objectives and, ideally, should combine raising funds with effective promotion of the organisation. VCOs also need to ensure the ongoing integration of fundraising plans with wider organisational plans – so that money raised matches organisational need in terms of type, size, duration and appropriateness.
There are many ways to raise funds, from collection boxes, raffles, events and sponsorship, to legacy donations and applying for grants. A key skill of fundraising is communication. Good fundraising requires being able to show donors how their gift will enable a VCO to meet the needs of its beneficiaries, or for grants that delivery will meet funder objectives.
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Financial Funding Fundraising Public sector funding Statutory funding Sustainability Resource type: Guide/tools | Published: 2014