TikTok: Six evergreen post ideas for your organisation
TikTok: Six evergreen post ideas for your organisation
Six classic ideas for TikTok content from top digital agency HDK. Whether you're looking for something tried and tested or a little bit of inspiration you'll find something here. HdK is a Support Sponsor of Audiences at the Heart, AMA Conference 2023, Leeds.
TikTok #1
Video: Meet the team
Content idea: Introduce your TikTok audiences to your team members - if you’re a small organisation, you could do the whole team in a single video, or if you’re a larger organisation, you could do a video for each department. Try to follow the format of a current trend to make this one feel fun and current, so you’re not formally introducing your team members, but sharing light-hearted insights into each of them to show the human faces behind the ‘brand’.
Creation time: 1 -2 hours
Hashtag: #MeetTheTeam #Team
Content length: Depends on the trend - 30 seconds to 1.5 minutes is a good benchmark
Audio: Trend-specific
Casting the HdK team in The Office
Meet the Natural History Museum team
TikTok #2
Video: Day in the life
Content idea: Move through a day at your organisation - whether you’re based in an office or a venue - from the perspective of a specific team member. Grabbing a coffee, walking into the building, saying hello to different team members (an opportunity to show the different departments, i.e. curators, marketing, performers, sound, lighting, etc.), completing various tasks, having lunch and generally providing interesting insights from behind the scenes. When editing, the video should be muted with a voiceover talking in past tense.
Creation time: 1 hour spread throughout the day
Hashtag research: #DayInTheLife #ComeWithMe
Content length: 30 seconds to 1 minute
Audio: Upbeat, fun and energetic instrumental set to a low volume underneath the voiceover
Day in the life of a Goldsmith’s Musical Theatre student
Day in the life of a National Theatre actor
TikTok #3
Video: Rating my co-worker’s lunch
Content idea: This one is another opportunity to showcase your organisation’s brand personality and company culture through a lighthearted, fun video of the team and what they’re all having for lunch. Include a short clip of each team member and their lunch, followed by a rating out of 10. Try to include a variety of meals brought from home, takeaway lunches, meal deals, that one person currently doing Huel, etc. It’s all about celebrating differences… and maybe a little harmless teasing - no harsh critiques!
Creation time: 1 hour
Hashtag research: #RateMyLunch #WorkLunch
Content length: 30 seconds to 1 minute
Audio: You have options! Either a fun, upbeat track with captions read by ‘the TikTok voice’, or you could opt for original audio with yours and your team’s voices rating the lunches. See what works best
Rate what Buzzfeeders had for lunch today
What Now: Erin rates the office lunches
Download for all 6 evergreen content post ideas on Tiktok (PDF)
HdK is a Support Sponsor of Audiences at the Heart, AMA Conference 2023, Leeds.