Thrive Audience Development Guide
Thrive Audience Development Guide
Claire Rose Canavan
The thrive audience development guide is for any organisation or freelancer in arts, culture, or heritage who wants to increase their audiences.
Your Purpose
Ensure that your audience development efforts are getting your where you need to go. Clarify what it is you want to do, and what is outside of your remit.
Data Collection
All the different places where you can get your hands on that all-important audience data. What data sources to start with first, what research is already out there, and how to collect newer data.
Target Audiences and Personas
How to choose which audience or audiences to target. Learn about the audiences that will give you the 'quick wins', and how to identify the audiences that will work best for your own unique aims.
Strategy and Objectives
Tips on setting realistic and measurable goals. How to know whether your audience efforts are paying off, and what results you can reasonably expect.
Audience Development Actions
The fun part... We look at the practical ways you can connect your products, programmes, and activities with your target audiences.
Review Scheduling
How long to plan for, and how often to update and refresh your strategy.
The guide is free for anyone to use. For more information about getting further support from Thrive visit their website
Image courtesy of Thrive