Three Fundraising Curses – 3) The Curse of Boring
Three Fundraising Curses – 3) The Curse of Boring
David Burgess
This three part guide from David Burgess (Apollo Fundraising) challenges you to reconsider what you think you know about fundraising, tackling how you communicate and share ideas, getting beyond embarrassment and moving away from being boring! How might rethinking these taboos enrich your work, and success, as a fundraiser? Read part one here, and part two here
This curse is one of the most common and can have the biggest impact on your fundraising.
That curse, ladies and gentlemen, is The Curse of Boring.
The decision to donate is an emotional one, not a rational one. The most successful
fundraising campaigns know this.
That’s why they tell stories.
Resource type: Guide/tools | Published: 2018