The Libraries Taskforce: Evaluation workshops resource pack
The Libraries Taskforce: Evaluation workshops resource pack
The Audience Agency
In March 2019 The Audience Agency delivered a series of evaluation workshops for libraries, commissioned by the DCMS Libraries Taskforce and supported by Arts Council England. Four workshops were delivered across England; in the North West, North East, South West, and London / South East regions. This Resource Pack brings together the evaluation workshop slide set and notes, themed resource links and key guides and reports.
A useful pack of evaluation resources aimed at libraries but easily transferable to other parts of the sector.
Summary: 10 steps to effective evaluation
- Ensure you have clear objectives
- Know why you are evaluating
- Evaluate what you value, don’t value what you evaluate
- Use simple methods
- Allow time for capture and analysis
- Think about the mix of quantitative and qualitative data
- Think about what your audience can tell you
- Think about your environment
- Think about how you capture people
- Turn it into something interesting (if you can)
Resource type: Guide/tools | Published: 2019