The impact of the ADA on Hull Truck Theatre
The impact of the ADA on Hull Truck Theatre
Ruth Puckering
Ruth Puckering, Director of Communications, talked to CultureHive Editor Hannah Mason about the ripple effect that taking part in the Audience Diversity Academy has had at Hull Truck Theatre.
“What started as this audience focussed piece of work, from there had expanded far wider than we initially thought it would, to more of an organisational change mechanism."
It was 2016 and Hull Truck Theatre recognised that they had two big challenges. The first was how to monitor the diversity of their audiences and the second, how to improve or increase the diversity of their audiences. Ruth Puckering joined The Audience Diversity Academy at the perfect time for the organisation to address these challenges.
"It was such a busy year preparing for Hull 2017 City of Culture that I think had there been lots of travel or contact hours away from the theatre, I would have struggled to manage it but the fact you could just move into a quiet room and do the training online was excellent."
Read the full case study to find out how Ruth's participation has changed the Theatre forever. "From the small seed of the ADA, the subject of inclusion has become part of all aspects of our work and discussions that take place across the theatre.
Download the Hull Truck ADA Case Study (PDF)
Find out more about the Audience Diversity Academy