The Impact of Covid-19 on the cinema exhibition industry
The Impact of Covid-19 on the cinema exhibition industry
Independent Cinema Office
The Independent Cinema Office conducted a survey to evaluate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the exhibition industry to understand how cinemas can survive in the immediate crisis and be sustainable following resumption of service.
The Independent Cinema Office is the UK’s national body that supports independent cinemas, film festivals and exhibitors of all forms. Their mission is to develop an open, challenging and thriving film sector. They want everyone to have access to cinema that nourishes the soul and changes lives.
- The survey had 340 responses, 75% from employees and 25% for employers.
- There was an even spread between multiplexes, independent chains, charity or publicly-funded independents, for profit independents, film festivals and community cinemas.
- The majority who responded (57%) were salaried staff but 43% were freelancers, zero hours staff members and casual staff members.
Survey themes
- Cinemas main concerns over the coming months
- What employers said about the future outlook
- What respondents said about current income
- What respondents said about their current working
Download the topline summary
To discuss this further, please contact Catharine Des Forges, Director, ICO catharine@independentcinemao
Resource type: Research | Published: 2020