The impact of heritage tourism in the North West
The impact of heritage tourism in the North West
Culture North West
CultureNorthwest present a research summary containing statistics on the impact of heritage tourism in the North West. Provides details that are useful for benchmarking and reporting, and includes figures on investment and funding, staff, visitor spend, reasons for visiting and provision. Includes data from Mintel Days OutLeisure Intelligence, North West Reion STEAM Report and NWDA Visitor & Spending survey.
1.2 Economic impact
Investment and funding
The cultural sector as a whole contributes an estimated £15 billion to the North West's economy.
The heritage sector in the North West has attracted over £545 million of investment in the last 10 years, around £390 million of which has come from Heritage Lottery Fund funding. The National Trust alone invested £16 million in the North West region in 2005, and the Historic Houses Association estimate that its members contribute £23.3 million to the regional economy. In 2005-6, English Heritage offered £6,564,000 of grants in the North West.
Visitor spend
On average, households in the North West spend 15% of their total expenditure on culture and recreation. In 2005, revenue generated by staying visitors in the North West (domestic and overseas) amounted to an estimated £4.4 billion, with day visitors generating a further £6.5 billion.