Ten top press and PR tips for arts and cultural professionals

Ten top press and PR tips for arts and cultural professionals

By Emily Till


At an Arts Marketing Association (AMA) day conference in spring 2011, press and PR professionals from the cultural sector were brought together by for PR and the Changing Media – a summit on the changing role of press and PR in the arts. The day was crammed with ideas and conversation (well, they were PR people after all) and some of the recurring themes. This article aims to summarise a lively day in ten points but the report of the day can be found on the resources pages of the AMA website www.a-m-a.co.uk 

8. Feed the little fish – the regional media and student journalists. With the former, not only is regional coverage good per se, but also the nationals look to the regionals for stories. And be nice to student journalists because they might be the next Richard Morrison.

Resource type: Guide/tools | Published: 2013