Taking Stock #ADA

Taking Stock #ADA

By Pauline Bailey


Pauline Bailey, Visual Artist, Director, Producer and Mentor on the Audience Diversity Academy reflects on challenges of  Coronavirus and the rapidly changing personal and professional landscape.

Abstract Painting © Pauline Bailey 2010

Well, how many of us have wished for time to do all those things we’ve been aching to do?

My heart and much condolences go out to those who have been touched by this terrible virus.  Even though it’s getting closer (I heard this morning one of the security guys that used to be at our building has passed this morning of the virus!).  Apparently, we haven’t seen the worst of it yet, but all we can do is stay as safe as we can.

Now we have the challenge of using our time wisely! The whole world has stopped, and we have to find ways to deal with this new situation.  Those of us who are having to self-isolate, work from home (where possible), or suddenly have no work at all, which so many of us are experiencing as the vast majority of the creative and cultural sector involves working with people and on a freelance basis.

Like many I have no idea how things will pan out, but I know I suddenly have much time on my hands. Now I’m able to use the time to not only catch up on work that I was grossly behind with, but also (in the spirit of staying positive), see this as some kind of blessing in disguise as I know have time to do all those jobs at home that I didn’t previously have time to do!  I’ve rediscovered how satisfying cleaning and sorting can be, and this week rediscovered my bedroom! Lol.   No longer am I fighting for equal space with piles of clothes, books, papers and accessories on my bed.

I do however need to make more effort to get into a fitness and mindfulness regime as this has been quite sporadic. I think most probably because I’d been so exhausted and was struggling to keep up the fitness which used to include on a daily basis Ashtanga yoga, alternated with a daily fitness challenge of specific exercises from a fitness group I belong to (now gone online), daily affirmations and smoothie/juicing.  See, I don’t always practice what I preach but hopefully now I have the time my practice will be less sporadic.

Now that travel has stopped on a grand scale the earth can breathe again, and that’s got to be a good thing?  There’s no doubt we are going to have some challenging times ahead, so we all have to play our part in practicing good self-isolation. Use the internet wisely where we can for health and wellbeing, stretching the mind, keeping in distant contact with as many of our nearest and dearest plus other people we know who might need the support at this crazy time, and try and be as positive as possible. Let’s model some good behaviours to our young ones, even though some of them will be coming into their own with the increase in the predominantly online lives we are being forced to lead.

For those with small children you may already know about this, but I thought I’d share this link anyway, it’s FREE so get listening together!  https://stories.audible.com/start-listen

Pauline Bailey, Visual Artist, Director, Producer and Mentor on the Audience Diversity Academy.

Resource type: Articles | Published: 2020