Taking part – updated statistics for 2011/12, including how children take part
Taking part – updated statistics for 2011/12, including how children take part
This report gives us an update on figures gathered during the seventh year of Taking Part, and includes for the first time statistics on how children engage with culture, leisure and sport. With data on well being, arts engagement and digital engagement, this report gives an excellent overview of trends in engagement across England.
- In 2011/12, the majority of children had engaged with the arts in the last year - 98.6 per cent of 5-10 year olds and 99.8 per cent of 11-15 year olds
- 71.9 per cent of 5-10 year olds and 72.8 per cent of 11-15 year olds had visited a heritage site in the last 12 months. In 2011/12, 72.7 per cent of children had visited a library in the last 12 months. This has remained steady since 2008/09.
- 88.9 per cent of children had done sport in the last 4 weeks; 82.7 per cent of 5-10 year olds (out of school only) and 96.1 per cent of 11-15 year olds (in school and out of school). This is unchanged from 2008/09 when the question was first asked.
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Families Resource type: Research | Published: 2013