Tackling graffiti through art related engagement
Tackling graffiti through art related engagement
National Social Marketing Centre
This social marketing case study has been shared by the National Social Marketing Centre. In 2007 Brent Council’s Graffiti Partnership Board (a multi-agency partnership) successfully led diversionary activities and implemented a stronger investigation and enforcement strategy to tackle graffiti in the area. The approach was developed after extensive research and engagement with young people, graffiti offenders and victims. A vast amount of art related engagement took place with young people and urban art workshops were particularly successful. This case study outlines all activities and the key lessons learnt.
2. Diversionary activities for young people
The aim of the diversionary activities was to provide taggers and potential taggers with a replacement for the thrill or ‘buzz’ that taggers get through graffiti vandalism.
Specifically, it was agreed that a programme of workshops for young people would be run by professional graffiti artists Monorex, in collaboration with Uscreates. This would build young people’s skills in illustration, creativity,
organisation and teamwork and would provide a forum to debate what graffiti and art are. The goal was that these workshops would open young people’s eyes to the vocational potential of their artistic abilities (often currently used for graffiti) and direct their interest and skills towards positive channels.