Think Piece: How diverse are we really?

Think Piece: How diverse are we really?

By Dawn Cameron
Creative People and Places Network


Creative People and Places (CPP) commissioned writer and researcher Dawn Cameron to explore the question How diverse are we, really?  The result is a multi-faceted and layered exploration of the core question, brought to life with stories and examples from the network itself.

Approach and scope

This piece of work seeks to provide some answers to a disarmingly straightforward question devised by the National Peer Learning and Communications (NPLC) programme: How diverse are we, really?

In addition to the central enquiry, the CPP Research Advisory Group devised a number of supplementary questions as follows:

• What does diversity and inclusion mean to CPP in its widest sense?
• What are the barriers to being truly diverse and inclusive, and how do we address them?
• How does diversity of leadership compare within the CPP network to the arts and cultural sector more generally and what are the reasons for any differences (and ideally what does that indicate about how to improve diversity)?
• How does the CPP approach to workforce (to include consortia, teams, volunteers and artists) support diversity and reflect lived experience? How could this be further developed?
• What are the impacts of diverse and inclusive infrastructure in the context of CPP?

Go to the report 

Dawn Cameron

Dawn Cameron head and shoulders

Creative People and Places is an Arts Council England funding programme which focuses on parts of the country where involvement in creativity and culture is significantly below the national average. More.

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Resource type: Research | Published: 2021