Realising the values of young people’s creative production
Realising the values of young people’s creative production
Samuel Jones
Shelagh Wright
Using research from Creative Partnerships, this article argues that the main skill young people will need will be the capacity to link creativity to meaning in their own terms and in ways that will allow them to match production and products to purpose and audience. This means that the capacity to respond to the different expectations that there are will be vital. It argues that the question for creative education is how to combine multiple perspectives on value and give young people the essential reflective and editorial skills to navigate, arbitrate and learn to make more from these.
We suggest that for these initiatives to cohere alongside the development of a new policy impetus for the creative economy, we need to find a mechanism to combine teacher (pedagogical), peer, public and professional practice summative judgements of the quality of creative production in a way that enables young people to reflect and make their own formative assessments. Bringing together the development of the Creative Portfolio with development of assessment for learning and opportunities for public and professional review is now entirely possible. Creative Partnerships is in an ideal position to act as a catalyst to make this possibility a reality for young people.