Podcast: Ron Evans – the pandemic as a catalyst for creativity

Podcast: Ron Evans – the pandemic as a catalyst for creativity


Hannah Mason, Head of Social Entrepreneur Support, Creative United talks to Strategic Advisor Ron Evans about using the pandemic as a catalyst for creativity. One of a series of AMAculturehive podcasts commissioned for The Learning Lounge, AMA Arts Marketing Festival 2020.

Ron stresses the need for community and personal wellbeing as we navigate the way through the pandemic. "We've been challenged to shake the whole thing up because we had to" says Ron. Let's focus on the things that are within our own control, not push for digital imitations of the 'real thing' but create something that's unique to digital and can stand up on its own. Let's experiment, find out what works and share the learning.



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Article by Ron in Arts Professional: Psychology of Loyalty

Podcast by Ron on The Psychology of Loyalty, AMA Conference, Belfast.

Culturevoice podcasts with Ron Evans and Carol Jones 

Resource type: Podcasts | Published: 2021